Ariel Efraim Ashbel & friends
The Omer Count
Ariel Efraim Ashbel & friends
The Omer Count
Seder Pessach → 22.04.2024 → Beba Restaurant ❧
Dialectics of Departure ft. Rachel Libeskind → 27+28.04.2024 → HAU ☉
A Concept in the Making ft. Yael Attia & Romm Lewkowicz → 02.05.2024 → HAU ⛇
Fanny Girl → 08.05.2024 → Gropius Bau ♛
Mel Brooks' The Producers → 18.05.2024 → fsk Kino ✠
Fire Werk With Me ft. Alona Rodeh & Heiki Riipinen → 26.05.2024 → Berliner Ensemble ☆
Treffpunkt Jüdenstraße ft. Rachel Libeskind → 31.05.2024 → Sophiensäle ❧
Tikkun Leil Shavuot → 08.06.2024 → HAU